Late Winner For Preston

Last updated : 06 March 2022 By @pnemad

Bournemouth should be playing in the top flight next season if they can negotiate their way through the remaining two months of the season but Preston managed to do the double of the south coast side.

Due to injuries and suspensions Lowe had to throw Diaby into his first start since returning from his long term suspension. The centre back started nervously but grew into the game, much like the team, and defied cramp to finish the game.

As is the case Preston started the game slowly and Bournemouth had the better of the first half an hour but couldn't find a way past Iversen. The Preston defence managed to hold firm as they slowly got back into the game.

Just before the half North End gained more possession and started to trouble the visitors. It was somewhat of a disappointment that Preston then conceded a soft goal shortly after the break.

A mix up at the back between Hughes and Iversen allowed Lowe to nip in and tap home from close range. It was somewhat of a suprise given Preston were the team on top.

North End soon levelled when Archer created space in the box to fire home. Preston then made attempts to take all three points and looked dangerous. Substitutes were made with Preston having nothing to lose.

The game seemed to be heading for a draw when there was late drama. Iversen clawed the ball out from point blank range to save a certain goal with the clock ticking down.

Bournemouth then lost the ball in midfield and Riis pounced with a run down the right hand side. He headed into the box and had a lot to do but fired home on the angle past the keeper to give Preston all three points.

Peston are now a team who will never give up and strike late. They managed to rise out the additional six plus minutes of injury time to seal the victory and cement their place in midtable with ten games remaining.